Horse & Dog is a film by the artist Boyd Webb. It revels in the elegantly observed absurdities that have long been a feature of Webb’s work with photography, sculpture, performance and the moving image.

Webb’s fourth film, Horse & Dog was commissioned by the Estorick Collection as part of its Visiting Artists’ programme, a collaboration between Film and Video Umbrella and The Laboratory at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford (in association with the De La Warr Pavilion and Milton Keynes Gallery).

The film’s action revolves around an expedition to the countryside, during which man’s best friends wrestle with the vagaries of the great outdoors. The film was complemented by examples of Webb’s photographic work from the 1970s, which has a comparable narrative character.

Horse & Dog was supported by the National Touring Programme of the Arts Council of England and Southern & South East Art.


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Marcello Mastroianni and Jeanne Moreau on the set of La Notte by Michelangelo Antonioni, 1960 © Sergio Strizzi Photography

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